Species of Fish


Tautog, also known as blackfish, inhabit hard substrates throughout New England. Tautog are targeted  in much of New England during the early spring and fall. Tautog have large teeth, resembling molars, that allow them to pick up and crush various crustaceans and mollusks. Fun fact: Their skin has a rubbery quality and is covered in heavy slime, which allows them to move among rocks without injury.

Black Sea Bass

Black sea bass spend much of their time near the bottom and are present in New England (south of Cape Cod) during the summer months. Black sea bass can grow to 9 pounds, but are most commonly caught between 1 and 4 pounds. Fun fact: The majority of black sea bass start life as females and subsequently change to males as they mature.



Bluefish are ferocious predators that use their sharp teeth to feed on prey fish of all sizes. The hard fighting fish can grow to over 20 pounds and take up residence in New England waters during the warm summer months. Fun fact: Bluefish is the only species of the family Pomatomidae that is still in existence.

Fluke/Summer Flounder

Summer flounder, also known as fluke in New England, can be caught during the summer months. Summer Flounder spend much of their life on the bottom, camouflaged and waiting to ambush passing prey. Fun fact: Summer Flounder hatch with an eye on both sides of their body and the right eye moves across the top of their head as they grow, resulting in both eyes being on the same side (perfect for lying on the bottom)



Porgy, also known as Scup, are found in New England south of Cape Cod. Porgy are bottom fish which can weigh up to 4 pounds, although most commonly caught at 1 pound or below. Fun fact: Porgy can live up to 20 years.



Sharks are the apex predator in the New England nearshore and offshore waters. Numerous species can be found in the area, including mako, thresher, porbeagle, and blue sharks. Fun fact: the female Atlantic shortfin mako cannot reproduce until about 19 years old.

Striped Bass

A seasonal resident of the New England waters, striped bass are typically targeted between May and November.  Striped bass can grow to over 70 pounds, but are most commonly caught between 10 and 40 pounds. Fun fact: Striped bass are anadromous fish, meaning they migrate between salt and fresh water (where they spawn).


One of the hardest fighting fish in the ocean, several species of tuna call the waters of New England home during parts of the year. Bluefin tuna represent the pinnacle of sportfishing, capable of growing to over 1000 pounds. Fun fact: Bluefin tuna are endothermic, meaning they have the ability to internally regulate their temperature.